Monday, April 27, 2009

5 Favorite Television Characters

It's day 7 (isn't it?), and you are in full-time hallucination mode. What five television characters would you like to imagine you are stranded with? You can answer this question however you want--animated, living, dead, pre-show, post-show, whatever--it's your ocean madness we're talking about.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

5 Places (You'd Rather Be Than Here)

This one's self explanatory. Let's see what you folks come up with.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

5 Beverages

Okay it's day 5, and you have now exhausted your supplies of beverages saved from the wreckage and gotten officially sick of the taste of water--but that doesn't mean you don't need to drink. So, what do you do? Well, like many of your problems on this island, thirst can be at least partly solved by allowing yourself to go a little crazy. So, you head down to the ocean, fill up a couple of coconut shells with salt water, and then begin to filter them into your freshwater supply. The results are about what you would expect: you're going just insane enough to believe you're drinking whatever you want, and although this satisfaction comes at the expense of a significant portion of your brain, it's toootally worth it. So, my question for you is: if you were hallucinating on a desert island while drinking polluted water, what five beverages would you most wish you were ingesting?

The short version: what are your five favorite desert island drinks?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

5 Movies

It's day 4, and...and....hello? Hello? Is this thing on? Anybody out there? Anybody? Test. Test...

...anyway, it's day 4, and you're well into your favorite books, but as it turns out, reading books on a desert island is equal parts relaxing AND boring. So, here you are, a little bored and thinking to yourself, this book is great and all, but wouldn't it hurry things along to just watch the movie? Well, wouldn't you know it, right as you're having this thought, another crate washes up on the beach, and what's in it but a generator, a 19" television, a VCR and a stash of VHS tapes. Strangely, as you sift through the stack, you come across all 5 of your favorite movies. At this point, you know you must be hallucinating, but who cares? Here are your 5 favorite desert island movies and here you are, on a desert island! It's time to plug these things into your generator, kick back with a coconut shell full of sea water and bring on the crazy. But what 5 movies would you choose? What 5 films would you want with you on a desert island? Share your picks with the rest of us castaways in the comments section.

Monday, February 23, 2009

5 Books

So, it's day 3, you've got your mixtape, you've scavenged for supplies, and you've ruminated over all the things you will and won't miss...and now it's time to curl up with a good book. Fortunately for you, you always travel with your 5 favorites, just in case something like this happened. Now, we all want to know what your picks would be. The same rules apply: these are the 5 books you would most want with you on a desert, if survival's your thing, maybe a survival guide would be great. Or a cook book. Or some plain old good literature. The choices are yours.

One caveat: you don't need a Bible. The Gideons who were stranded there before you left one.

Monday, February 16, 2009

5 Things You Won't Miss

Ed. note: Given the number of responses still coming in on the first post, I'm thinking I might be moving too fast. Here's what we'll try: one post per week, put up on Monday. Simple, direct and easy to check. Let me know if that seems like a good strategy.

(courtesy of Gaton Monescu)

Okay, you have your mixtape, you have your food, and you are beginning to settle in for a solitary life on a lonely desert island. As you sit tossing empty coconut shells into the ocean surf, your mind begins to wander over your past life: your home, your friends, your job, things you used to have, things you used to love...and as your mixtape turns over to the blank side, you think for the first time: maybe this isn't so bad. What 5 things wouldn't you miss if you were stranded on a desert island? I'll leave the question at that--you can answer it however you like.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

5 (Nonperishable!) Foods

On your second day on the island, you stumble across dozens of huge crates of food from your ship that have washed up overnight. Of course, being food fit for an intercontinental oceanic voyage, each crate is filled with only one kind of nonperishable food item. Miraculously, each crate is intact...but the tide is rising, and you only have time to rescue five crates before the rest are washed back out to sea. What five would you choose? What five nonperishable food items could you tolerate eating for the rest of your life? Would you go for comfort foods, or for foods that would keep you fit and healthy? Would you try to work around the foods already available on your desert island? Could any of them double as survival tools? Let's get to your answers...