Saturday, February 14, 2009

5 (Nonperishable!) Foods

On your second day on the island, you stumble across dozens of huge crates of food from your ship that have washed up overnight. Of course, being food fit for an intercontinental oceanic voyage, each crate is filled with only one kind of nonperishable food item. Miraculously, each crate is intact...but the tide is rising, and you only have time to rescue five crates before the rest are washed back out to sea. What five would you choose? What five nonperishable food items could you tolerate eating for the rest of your life? Would you go for comfort foods, or for foods that would keep you fit and healthy? Would you try to work around the foods already available on your desert island? Could any of them double as survival tools? Let's get to your answers...


  1. I'll go first again, if only to make sure the bar is set nice and low:

    1. Corn. I don't have a good reason here, other than that I love corn. I mean, I love it. Like a woman.

    2. Mexican Refried Beans. I'm actually not a huge fan of refried beans, but I figure they're a good source of protein (which might be lacking on the island) and, if necessary, fuel.

    3. Easy Mac. Um, obviously.

    4. Raman Noodles, Teriyaki Flavor. Because they're tasty enough. Just barely.

    5. Spinach. Because I hate it, so when the other 4 crates are getting low, and I'm sitting around my campfire giving the evil eye to my unopened crate of spinach, I might be motivated to, I don't know, plant or hunt something.

  2. 1. Peanut Butter -
    Fact: it provides crucial nutrion for my daily diet.
    Fact: it's filling, so I would be able to spread it out - both literally and figuratively.
    Fact: There isn't a creature God created through Darwinian evolution that can resist peanut butter. It's the perfect bait food.

    2. Capri Sun
    If there's a better place to enjoy a silvery packeted fruit drink with an island on its cover than by one's lonesome on a desert island, I can't think of one. Closely beat out Gatorade, with its always important electrolytes.

    3. Teddy Grahams.
    Bread will rot. Graham crackers are delicious but boring. Meet Teddy Grahams, the delicious snack shaped like a little bear. I call the mutant one made out of five connected little ones Bitey.

    4. Beef Jerky.
    In the middle of my lonely hallucinations, I can imagine myself as Randy Macho Man Savage snapping into a slim jim. Also good for protein.

    5. Black beans.
    At the height of my despair, I will inevitably rip into this most nutritious of the bean family and start a fart sequence to rival Blazing Saddles. Nutrition and some much needed laughter.

  3. 1. Peanut butter, the crunchy kind. It's delicious, and I love it.

    2. Triscuts: wheaty, crispy biscuts. Can be spread with peanut butter or

    3. That cheese stuff in an aerosol can: My worst cravings sometimes can only be satisfied by this stuff. And I figure, if ever there were a time fit for horrible cravings, it's being stuck on an island. Also, you can make little day-glo orange designs with the cheese stuff. Entertainingly tasty.

    4. Mandarin oranges: Because I hear scurvy is no fun.

    5. Jello pudding in those little cups: It is rather disturbing that pudding is a non-perishable food item, but these will provide calcium and a form of chocolate that will neither spoil nor melt.

  4. 1) Tuna: protein, protein, protein. Yes, of course I could fish, but then I have to scale and cook. And that does not sound like fun to me. And for some reason I love tuna.

    2) Special K (fruit and yogurt)cereal: this stuff is not only really healthy but delicious. No milk needed. Eat this cereal right out of the box. Great for snacking while I wallow in self pity.

    3) Pasta: spaghetti, elbow, you name it whatever I see first is getting saved. Followed closely by.

    4) Pasta sauce: yes, out of a can isn't that great but some is passable. And probably couldn't live the rest of my days without my personal favorite. Italian. Plus I would have plenty of time to experiment with different kinds of meats. Maybe crab, oysters. I'm sure I could come up with something.

    5) Fruit cup: my dessert of choice out of a can would have to be fruit cup. At least it would give me the illusion of variety.

  5. 1. Astronaut Ice Cream: if I'm stuck on a desert island, I want the dessert of Armstrong and Aldrin as they stepped out into the chilly New Mexico night in those ridiculous outfits, no matter how gross it is.

    2. Creamy Peanut Butter: because if I wanted chunky peanut butter I'd eat a peanut. And because it's awesome.

    3. Tomato Soup: because I like pop art.

    4. Oatmeal: it's filling. It's oaty. I can pretend I'm a horse stranded on a desert island, and who knows, this may be a fruitful exercise while trying to pass time.

    5. Rice: I love it. Grains are good for you. And I love it. I can mix it with stuff I discover on my island.

  6. 1. Peanut Butter - I have to agree with everyone here. I barely live without this stuff on a weekly basis, much less on a desert island.

    2. Croutons - My favorite snack food. Garlic and Butter, if possible. And if croutons aren't available, I'll take Pita chips.

    3. Chocolate covered pretzels.

    4. Country ham. Salted, cured, delicious. And I'm sure I could find some fire to cook it eventually.

    5. Rum. Fuel for the fire, of course....

    I'm saying this while hoping there are some fruitish type things on the island, maybe pineapples or something. If not, then I suppose I could trade out one of these items for some lunch packaged pineapples.

  7. I figure I'd be banking on fishing/hunting working out for me, and on the island having fruit, so...

    I. Quinoa: Grain is the biggest part of the food pyramid, and the least likely thing you'll find in an edible form on a godforsaken island. Plus quinoa is a complete protein, making it a double threat.
    II. Rice: It may not be pleasant, but you can pretty much live on nothing else if you have to. And again, grain = important + hard to find.
    III. Liquid meal supplements: Vitamin abundant, plus a source of clean liquid in those months before you acclimate to your new home's waterborne bacterium.
    IV. Canned spinach. Because it's good for you, and greens are probably hard to come by 'round these parts. Sure, it's gross as all hell canned, but who can afford to be picky at a time like this?
    V. MRE's: I mean, come on. These alone would do you. 1,000+ calories a piece, a variety of balanced menus, powdered drinks, deserts, self-heating pads, napkins, silverware. Full meals and helpful tools all packed together. Plus they last forever. It's a no-brainer.

  8. Conversely takes the crown for this post. Astronaut ice cream makes me laugh...and I like pop art, too. Well done, all.
